Athene’s Blog
“I’ve Got Paper Everywhere!”
This month's blog is about something I had only put general thought toward as I was going through the publishing process, but it's practical tip.
Designing Imperious Realm’s Cover
I'm excited to talk about cover design!
Beta Reader Feedback Tool
Let's start with the basics: what is a beta reader? A beta reader is a casual reader—not a writing professional—who will view your work before publishing with the intent of providing honest feedback.
What Inspired Me to Write the Reign of the North Forest Series?
I keep getting asked this very important question, so I'm going to do my best to answer but without giving up spoilers!
What is My Writing Process?
My high school English teacher used to tell me that I needed to plan out my writing projects. I always knew planning wasn't my style but for a long time, I believed planning was the proper and only way to write.
So You Wrote a Book!
So you wrote a book! Congratulations! It's no easy feat to write a book. Give yourself a pat on the back, have a night out, treat yourself. Whatever you do to celebrate.
Welcome to my Blog Series + Announcement!
Welcome to my Blog Series! There are a lot of “firsts” in this one—first website, first blog, first book!