Working on Multiple Projects
I have a lot of ideas rattling around in my brain.
While writing this blog post, I have three active manuscripts going. But how do I given them all the attention they deserve?
I used to work on multiple manuscripts simultaneously, as the ideas came to me. (Geez, here's my chaotic writing style again. I just can't get away from it.) But I found that I wasn't making significant progress on any of them.
So I work on one manuscript at a time. Sure, the ideas for the other works-in-progress might be floating around in my mind, but I the most I'll do is to jot down a few notes. I make sure to not to actively work on the other projects.
I rotate projects. Working constantly on one manuscript stifles my creativity, and I run the risk of becoming rigid in my thinking. Instead, I might finish a full round of editing before moving on to working on a different draft manuscript. Sometimes, if I am experiencing major writer's block, then I’ll move on and return to that manuscript later.
I haven't really had an opportunity yet to explore different storylines—all my current manuscripts are in the Reign of the North Forest world—but I have other ideas that I am refraining from committing to words. I would like to finish this series first.
The ideas are calling to me. Hopefully, I can get there soon!